What is Really Blocking Your Intuition

Season #2

Nearly every woman who has come to me with a deep desire to tune into her intuitive gifts and become an energy healer feels like they are blocked intuitively. This blocks shows up in many different forms: chronic conditions, emotionally depressed, feeling stuck, unclear intuitive messages, not manifesting the ‘big’ things, etc. How can this be when they have spent their life being exquisitely sensitive?


The answer is simple, they have yet to learn the harsh lesson of creating boundaries. They have lived a life of tuning into other’s needs and wants, and therefore, subconsciously collected the weight of their challenges and obstacles as their own. Their needs and wants have then become so enmeshed with others, that it is hard to differentiate between who they are and what they need from everyone else they care for in their lives. When it comes to being able to see what is truly right for them and trusting their intuition, it feels muddy. You may think that turning right is for your best good. But are you choosing that path because it is right for you or because it will make other’s happy?


I know creating boundaries sounds like a broken record in our wellness world, so I am going to break it down in today's episode.


🎙️what is really blocking your intuition

🎙️why sensitive people need boundaries

🎙️how to authentically create boundaries based on your energy type

🎙️Last chance to join my online reiki 1 and 2 certification program to become an energy healer with strong boundaries. email [email protected] for more details.