Face Your Deepest Fear + Transform Your Life with the Fear Alchemist

Season #2

Ben Harris is a fear alchemist and intuitive guide. Rooted in love and the superpower of belief in himself and others, Ben is a testament of what possibilities arise when you love fear and trust your inner knowing. With his offerings of mentorship, intuitive breakthrough sessions, retreats and the Feeling Free podcast, he has returned home to his purpose. The combination of intuitive gifts and human experience have created the service he now offers to other amazing beings. He chooses to free himself and invites you to do the same.


🎙Intro w/Angelica: Astrological Update + how we are currently in a time of great transformation


🎙Why your biggest fear is actually the key to your desires


🎙How Ben went from being in debt to connecting to his dharma and successfully starting  his business during the beginning of the pandemic


🎙Balancing your trust in your intuitive gifts while tending to the needs of your clients


🎙Why you may deeply desire something but are equally as terrified of having it come true


🎙Healing the wound of feeling guilt and shame after pleasure


🎙Ben’s process for how to reprogram your deepest fear


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Receive your Reiki I + II certification + activate your intuitive gifts in our 7 week course

Follow Ben on IG here and learn more about his course ‘Fear Alchemy’ here.