How to Cleanse this Fall Season with Ayurvedic Practitioner, Nidhi Pandya

Season #2

Nidhi Pandya , a third generation Ayurvedic practitioner based in New York City, is back on the show to talk about the important topic of fertility and libido.

She has a strong foundation in the ancient Ayurvedic texts and has the unique ability to simplify core Ayurvedic concepts, making them applicable and comprehensible to all. She is a core part of the faculty at the US based Shakti School and been a speaker at various organizations, including Google and The Chopra Center.

Nidhi is also on the board of advisors for several upcoming Ayurveda based products, including Inde Wild. She is currently working on two books and an Ayurveda inspired method to intuitive wellness called The Inner Climate™.

In this episode we dive into:

  • Angelica Intro: Vata Season is here. It's time to cleanse and release some toxins. I will be conducting an Ayurvedic cleanse this fall, if you are interested to join email me at [email protected]
  • What does Cleansing mean in Ayurveda 
  • How to determine doshic imbalances in your body
  • A traditional Ayurvedic cleanse/ Pancha Karma- 5 step procedure on how to remove toxins in your body
  • Kitchari as a self care for your digestive system
  • Traditional ways and diet to use for cleanse
  • How does ayurvedic cleansing specifically help with parasites
  • Practical diet and lifestyle practices to cleanse at home

 Enroll in the Divine Feminine Healer’s Course here

Nidhi’s courses found here and follow her on Instagram

Follow Angelica @angelica_feminine_healer