$414.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Reiki Certification Course (PP)

[ Receive your Reiki I + II certification, activate your intuitive gifts and receive abundance for sharing your soul offerings with the world. ]

What you'll get:

✨7 LIVE Training Calls on how to be a successful energy healer

✨7 LIVE Activation Experiences to remove blocked chi and align your chakras

✨Certification for Reiki I + II

✨Full Access to Our Library of Resources such as Yoga Classes, Meditations, Breathwork, Ayurvedic Trainings, etc.

✨Invitation to Join our Spiritual Community Network

[ No refunds after purchase]

For those who have further questions before signing up, email Angelica at angelicaroseneri.com.

What People Are Saying:

I was doubting my experience as a healer, but when I practiced reiki on another student and saw the SAME symbols and messages she received while I was working on her I was so confident in my abilities. I also hd such strong meditation experiences that completely validated my intense connect with source, the Akashic records, and my own healing needs.

My favorite part of the training was diving deeper into my intuitive gifts. WOW was it validating to share insights and messages I received and have them completely align with another's experience. I more deeply trust myself and feel extremely connected to the Reiki energy.